Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Blog Readers!

Very busy week around here with subbing and teaching GED classes in the evenings and trying to get Salvation Army Bell Ringers and so on and so forth. Bob is on vacation and being very helpful around the house. Today he got out his leaf vac and sucked up almost every leaf in the Hickory Hill Hood. Not kidding! Hope all the neighbors wanted their leaves sucked up because, that's what they got.

The Amazing Barking Dog and I struggle on in our lonely crusade to promote the celebration of Thanksgiving BEFORE putting up Christmas decorations. It's just wrong. Anyway, that's what we think.

Also, Happy Black Friday Shopping! Have fun and get lots of great deals. And, remember Big Lou's rules for the special day:

1. Run a little, if necessary

2. Bob and weave

3. NEVER push or shove.

Our motto: Aggressive, but friendly!!!!