Sunday, December 14, 2008

The squirrel is sporting a new holiday hat this year, mainly because even though it has a chin strap, Maddie, the Amazing Barking Dog, can flick it right off her head in a snap, and somebody's got to wear it. Speaking of squirrels, on Thursday, I was looking out the bedroom window at two of them frolicking in the yard, and I said to myself, "These are some fine looking squirrels." They were quite large. They had big, bushy tails, and their coats were magnificent. I congratulated myself on the high-quality crop of squirrels we are able to sustain, here, in the Hickory Hill Hood. And, as I stood there, all puffed up with squirrel supremacy, this lovely doe walked out of the woods and up to the birdfeeder. She ate a little bit, and then Bob tossed an apple out in her direction and she ran away. Way to go, Bob.

On Saturday evening we went to the 75th annual Purdue Christmas Program and then enjoyed a wonderful supper at Lindsey's in-laws' home in Lafayette. Sunday evening the Book Babes (and their men) shared a holiday dinner at Shorty's Steakhouse in Garrett. They opened up just for us, so that was kind of fun. The food was good, and the mood, festive, as the group, (heavily weighted with teachers) kicked about the possibility of a fog delay in the morning. I forgot to take the camera to either of these events. Bob took this picture with my cell phone. It's the best we could do.

The Most Annoying Christmas Songs: I've been doing some research on this and I was shocked because, almost every list I came across, included, Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer, which is a song that I get a big kick out of. In fact, I've been making the ladies in my aerobics class do push-ups to that song every Christmas season for years. Well, in light of this discovery, I decided to yank it from the playlist and this year, they're doing push-ups to Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow, by Bing Crosby. Here's my list of annoying Christmas songs:

5. A Wonderful Christmas Time - Yes, we love you, Paul, we "simply" just don't love this song

4. All I Want for Christmas is You - It's just played way too much.

3. I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas - This song was recorded in 1953, but I had never heard of it until a couple of years ago. Who let it out, and why?

2. Please, Daddy, Don't Get Drunk this Christmas - I don't think I have to explain this one

1. That Song about getting Mama a new pair of shoes so she can meet Jesus on Christmas Eve. It's just plain way too much, period.

Next Week - The Best Christmas Songs - Be thinking.

From the Archives: Our 1989 Christmas Card. Rob was eleven months old and weighed twenty-nine pounds. If Lindsey had let go of him, he would have rolled off that piano bench like a basketball.

Recipe of the Week: This tasty holiday punch can be frozen without the vodka for the kiddies and non-drinkers. If you do choose to add the vodka, make sure you give it ample time in the freezer.

Holiday Punch

1 lg. box strawberry jello
2 C. boiling water
1 - 46 oz. can pineapple juice
1 - 6 oz. can frozen orange juice concentrate
1 - 12 ounce can frozen lemonade
2 & 1/2 cups vodka

Dissolve jello in water. Add remaining ingredients and freeze. Takes a couple of days.

Serve in glasses and fill w/ 7 UP or Sprite.

"We like to praise birds for flying. But, how much of it is actual flying, and how much of it is just sort of coasting from the previous flap? Jack Handey


Rachel said...

I was hoping for the Hot Apple Cider drink recipe with Everclear!

Bob and LouAnne said...

I don't actually have a recipe for that. It's called apple pie, though, and I think you can find some variations of it online.

Lindsey said...

Let me interject here, Big's a two gallons of apple cider to one bottle of Everclear, and then add Hot Damn until it's cinnamony-enough.
