Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter! Happy Spring! And, Happy Spring Break to me, as I'm off this coming week. We had a wonderful holiday. I like to do our traditional Easter dinner at our house, but Lindsey and Brent had never been to Easter Sunday Services at their own church, in Indianapolis, because they've been coming up here for the Holiday, so we said we would spend Easter with them and attend services at North United Methodist Church in Indy. Bob and I went down on Saturday afternoon. He helped them put up some new light fixtures, then we colored eggs and watched some college basketball. On Sunday morning, Brent's parents drove down and we all went to the 11:00 AM service. It ended with the choir members coming down into the aisles and joining the entire congregation in the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah and it was glorious!

Afterwards we enjoyed our traditional Easter dinner: Honeybaked ham, cheesey potatoes, asparagus, walnut/dried cherry/apple salad with maple dressing, deviled eggs, coconut cake and key lime pie.

We had no kids around, so we hid an Easter egg for Bonnie the Barbarian to find. Oh, I know what you're thinking, that's weird. And, you just might be right. First, we peeled it and we let her sniff it. Then, I picked her up and let her see that Lindsey was walking off with it. Then, I turned around so she couldn't see where Lindsey was going with it. Then, I put her down and we told her to go find it. She ran out in the backyard, but then ran to the front, because she was distracted by something - who knows what. With some proddingand coaxing, she returned to the back yard and Brent's Dad steered her in the right direction and we took some pictures. Yup, that's what we did.

I have no recipe to post, but I plan to do some cooking this week and hope to have something exciting for you in the next issue. I leave you with a picture of Bonnie, the victorious Barbarian and her prize and her cartoon counterpart.

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