Dear Blog Readers: Are you bothered by all this bedbug buzz? In a recent phone conversation, Lindsey mentioned to me that she was creeped out about this newest public panic. To help her put it all in perspective I talked a little bit about global warming, and unemployment, terrorism, Alzheimer's disease and brain cancer, and I think I made her feel a lot better. But then the October 4th issue of Time magazine arrived in the mail and it featured an article entitled "This Really Sucks," which I read late at night, in bed.
Did you know that there were 82 cases of bedbug infestations in New York City multifamily residences in 2004, and in 2009 there were 4,088??!!!! Did you know an adult bedbug can go 550 days without food???? Did you know that when Bob returns home from his many business trips he flops his folding travel bag right down on the bed????
Apparently bedbugs can cause real psychological damage because they're creepy. "They're invading your sanctuary, your bed, and suddenly you can't sleep because they're coming out of your walls, out of your box springs, to feed on you in the night."
I turned out the lights and lay there in the dark, feeling itchy, thinking about being psychologically damaged (and bitten) by a herd of stampeding stinkbug cousins. Then I jumped up, turned on the lights and did a quick mattress and box spring check, and I am pleased to report that the Hickory Hill Hood (at least, 1109) is bedbug free.
I subbed in second grade today, and it was a long day, and I'm tired, so goodnight blog readers, sleep tight and don't let..........