Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our little Landon came through his surgery very well. He begins chemotherapy in St. Louis tomorrow, (Monday). Also, Bob's dad is not well at all. Bob spent about a week in Effingham, helping his mom, and then the kids and I were all there last weekend. We continue to be very concerned for both of them and ask that you might remember them in your prayers, too

Last Thursday was "Puttin' up Corn Day" in Indianapolis. Lindsey purchased 15 bags of corn from her friend, Betsey, whose family has the "My Dad's Sweet Corn" company in Tipton County. Lori and Baleigh decided to drive up and over from Carbondale, as they had been planning on spending some time with friends in Effingham, anyway. (they're trying to get all the gusto out of their summer before they have to start thinking about going back to school) Here's a picture of Lindsey and Bonnie the Barbarian proudly showing off our corn bags. Sorry that I chopped off the top of your head, Lindsey.

It was an afternoon of work, and we ended up with a mighty sticky kitchen, but we had fun too. Oh, how we shucked that corn. We had to keep our eyes on Miss Bonnie, though, because she also wanted to shuck corn, She kept stealing ears when we weren't watching, and she's quite the little corn shucker, or maybe I should say corn mangler. She ate some too. We even made up a little ditty about the afternoon, You know how we like to make up a ditty:

Bomp Bomp do dah
Bomp, Bomp do do do
Bomp Bomp do dah
Bomp Bomp do do
Like a thief in the yard
She'll come and grab it
She can creep up beside you
And nab it
It's too close for comfort
Are we shucking corn tonight?

Little Roxanne visited us this afternoon. She had a barbecue snack, bullied Maddie around a little bit, then went into the backyard where she found something interesting in the very spot where the big oak tree fell a couple weeks back. She sniffed and sniffed and then she flopped on her back and started to roll around. I hurried over to investigate and found a smelly, dead, giant grub worm, which I immediately scooped up and out of the way. Here she is leaving with Rob. Bye Roxanne! Hope you had fun at Grandma's and I hope you don't smell like grub worm carcass!

Recipe of the Week: A tutorial

From the Garden

To the Pyrex

To Bob

Eggplant Parmesan
1 large eggplant, about 2 pounds
3/4 cup olive oil
2 cups canned tomato sauce
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
8 ounces shredded Mozzarella cheese
Peel eggplant and cut into 1/4 inch slices. Fry on both sides in skillet in hot oil until browned. Drain well on paper towels. Place a layer of eggplant slices in a shallow baking dish; cover with some tomato sauce, a sprinkling of basil and garlic powder, a little Parmesan cheese, and a little of the Mozzarella cheese. Repeat layers until all ingredients are used, ending with Mozzarella cheese. Bake, uncovered, at 4oo degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.
"If you define cowardice as running away at the first sign of danger, screaming and tripping and begging for mercy, then yes, Mr. Big Man, I guess I am a coward." Jack Handey


Lindsey said...

You know what's funny? You cut off Rob's head too.

Bob and LouAnne said...

Wah-wah. So I did.