Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another Disturbing Scissors Story - But not sharp scissors this time, big, BIG scissors - giant ones - the kind you use to cut ribbons at dedication ceremonies, which is what we did on Sunday, when we dedicated the new Common Grace/Friendship Food Pantry Facility. I was in charge of getting the ribbon and the giant scissors, but for some unexplainable reason I FORGOT TO PICK THEM UP AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ON FRIDAY!!!!! I didn't even think of it until late Saturday afternoon when I was printing out the program for the dedication. I left a message on the chamber director's home phone, but sprung into action on a "plan B" which was to decorate these hedge trimmers shown above. Pretty spiffy, right? The happy ending to this story is that the chamber director called me back on Sunday morning, and she was a real peach about the whole thing. She met me up at the office at noon, where I secured the giant ribbon-cutting scissors. And here they are in the back of the Jeep. My, they were heavy. It was a wonderful afternoon. The Apple Chords barbershop quartet sang, and everybody spoke for just the right amount of time. It was a wonderful afternoon. On the front page of Monday morning's News Sun was a picture of four laughing people trying to cut the ribbon with those heavy scissors. Whew.

Seems that all the young, busy, working women are big into preparing freezer meals these days. I decided to try this with my chicken casserole recipe to see how it would work. This is the old Tri Kappa Salad Bar casserole recipe. The salad bar was abandoned in favor of Basket Bingo several years ago, so I don't think they'll mind if I share this recipe with you. It will make enough to fill three 9 by 13 pans, so, we're talking about major casserole. I'm experimenting. I baked two of the casseroles and then divided it up into containers. I did not bake one pan, but put it directly into the freezer. We'll see how that works.
Chicken Casserole:
8 cups chicken
2 lbs noodles- medium, cooked
5 cans cream of chicken soup
2 - 13 ounce cans of evaporated milk
3 teaspoons salt *
1 & 1/4 lbs Velveeta cheese
5 cups chopped celery
1 cup chopped green pepper
2 cups crushed corn flakes
Combine all ingredients. Top with corn flakes and bake at 370 degrees for one hour.
* The recipe actually calls for 5 teaspoons of salt but, seriously that's too much. I usually only put in two teaspoons, so just put in a couple and then taste.

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